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Overview of Serum Albumin

Serumalbumin omtales almindeligvis som blodalbumin. Det er et albumin (en type kugleformet protein), der findes i hvirveldyrs blod. Albuminer er normalt til stede i blodplasma, og dets forskel fra andre blodproteiner er, at de ikke er glykosylerede. Humant serumalbumin kodes af ALB-genet, mens andre pattedyrsformer, såsom bovint serumalbumin, har lignende kemiske egenskaber.

Hvis der ikke er albumin som et afgørende stof til at opretholde det onkotiske tryk, der er nødvendigt for korrekt fordeling af kropsvæsker mellem blodkar og kropsvæv, ville det høje tryk i blodkarrene tvinge mere væske ud i vævene. Ved ikke-specifikt at binde til flere hydrofobe steroidhormoner kan det tjene som plasmabærere og også bruges som transportprotein for hemin og fedtsyrer. For meget eller utilstrækkeligt cirkulerende serumalbumin kan være skadeligt.

Serumalbumin er vidt udbredt i pattedyr.

Human serum albumin (HSA) is a type of serum albumin found in human blood. As the protein with the highest content in human plasma, it accounts for about half of serum protein. It is also a highly water-soluble globular monomeric plasma protein. Its relative molecular weight of 67 KDa, and its composition consists of 585 amino acid residues, one sulfhydryl group and 17 disulfide bridges.

Bovine serum albumin (BSA or "Fraction V") is a type of serum albumin derived from cows that is often used as a protein concentration standard in laboratory experiments. The precursor polypeptide of BSA has a total length of 607 amino acids and18-residue signal peptide at the N-terminus. Another 6 amino acids are cleaved to produce mature BSA protein containing 583 amino acids.

Feline serum albumin (FSA) is a type of albumin derived from cats. It contains single polypeptide with 584 amino acids. According to reports, FSA has high sequence homology with canine serum albumin (CSA), while its dynamic changes are similar to those of HSA and BSA.

Canine serum albumin (CSA) is a type of albumin derived from dog. It contains single polypeptide with 584 amino acids. It is suitable for treating hypovolemic shock or hypoalbuminemia, regardless of its etiology. Canine albumin treatment applies to dogs.

Rekombinant serumalbumin

Although serum albumin is purified from the blood of humans, cows, and other animals, the use of products derived from animals still has disadvantages such as immunogenicity, difficulty in obtaining sufficient supply, and contamination risks. The advancement of recombinant DNA technology has made it possible for microorganisms to produce various types of serum albumin, such as HAS, BSA, FSA, and CSA. Illustrative examples of the microbial host include bacterial (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis), and yeast (Pichia pastoris, Saccharomyces cerevisiae).

Yaohai Bio-Pharma tilbyder One-Stop CDMO-løsning til rekombinant albumin
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