
การผลิตทางชีวภาพแบบอะนาล็อก GLP-2

GLP-2 analogue A NEW DRUG THAT MAKES Yaohai SCIENTISTS VERY EXCITED. A medication that has the potential to help sick people — those with Crohn's disease and short bowel syndrome. This Inability to obtain the essential nutrients from their daily food practices is very apparent with these diseases. Those การผลิตวัคซีนดีเอ็นเอ vitamins and minerals in their food have no escape else than helplessly trying to find a way into the temple that is their body. And then a GLP-2 analogue can save the day by making nutrients easier to absorbed into their bodies, and hopefully make them feel better, and provide better quality of life.

การผลิตทางชีวภาพแบบอะนาล็อก GLP-2

Producing the drug was not straightforward. If it is a special medicine, it needs special and tender care to make. This is what is referred to as bio manufacturing. To simplify it, bio manufacturing is the การหมักอีโคไลเพื่อการผลิต VLP process of coaxing living cells and microorganisms to produce drugs. While most drugs are made by combining different chemicals, this does give a fresh approach to the conventional method. Because bio manufacturing is more natural, using living things to make medicine may be safer and easier on patients.

Why choose Yaohai GLP-2 Analogue Biomanufacturing?


