Hastalanan birine kendisini tekrar iyi hissetmesine yardımcı olmak için sıklıkla ilaç veririz. Ancak hastalıkları tamamen önleyebiliriz. Girin: aşılar! Aşılara en yakın şey, vücudunuza kendi etrafında bir kalkan sağlayan güçlendirici kristaller gibidir, böylece bağışıklık sistemi bir istilacının varlığını bile bilebilir ve yayılmadan önce onunla savaşabilir. Aşılar kolay hastalanmamızı ve birçok hastalıktan korunmamızı sağlar.
Birçok hastalığa virüs ve bakteri gibi mikroplar neden olur; e. kızamık, grip hatta COVİD-19 çok hasta olmamıza neden olabilecek viral bir hastalıktır ve kendimizi bundan korumanın yollarını bulmak önemlidir. Vücudumuz bu zararlı mikropları görüyor ve hatta VLP aşıları tarafından kandırılarak onlara benzeyebiliyor. Vücudumuz bu VLP'lerle karşılaştığında, gerçek mikroplar intikam almak istediğinde onlara nasıl saldıracağını hızla öğrenebilir.
VLP vaccines - VPP begins with construction of a small virus-like particle in the lab. But fear not, because these particles are NOT contagious to humans! Scientists insert tiny bits of the germs that these vaccines will provide protection which is also known as VLPs.
VLP aşıları aşı bilimi alanında bir ilerlemedir. Acil durumlarda veya bir hastalık ortaya çıktığında insanları korumak için daha donanımlı olmamızı sağlayacak şekilde hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde üretilebilirler. Ayrıca bizi hastalıklardan koruma konusunda da başarılılar! Mikropların neredeyse bir gecede evrimleştiği bugünlerde bu durum daha da doğrudur.
VLP teknolojisi aynı zamanda yeni teknolojilerle de (covid aşılarında kullanılan mRNA gibi) ortaklaşa yapılabilir. mRNA, vücuda talimatlar veren bir tür genetik materyaldir. MRNA ile birlikte VLP'lerin kullanılması, araştırmacıların vücudumuza mikroplarla daha etkili bir şekilde nasıl savaşacağını öğretecek bir aşı geliştirmesine olanak tanıyor. Birleştirirseniz, başarısız olma olasılığı daha düşük olan daha güçlü aşılara sahip olursunuz.
Yaohai BioPharma is a Top 10 Microbial CDMO that incorporates quality control and regulatory matters. We have a quality system which is in line with current GMP standards and international regulations. Our regulatory team is knowledgeable in global regulatory frameworks to accelerate biological launches. We ensure traceable manufacturing processes and top-quality products that are compliant with the requirements of the US FDA, EU EMA, Australia TGA, and VLP-based Vaccine Manufacturing. Yaohai BioPharma has successfully passed the audit on site of the European Union's qualified Person (QP) for our GMP quality system and production site. In addition, we've cleared the first certification audits of the ISO9001 Quality Management System, ISO14001 Environmental Management System, and ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma is a leading in VLP-based Vaccine Manufacturing CDMO. Our main focus has been the production of microbial vaccinations and therapeutics to treat pets, human and veterinary health. We possess cutting-edge RD and manufacturing technology platforms that cover the entire manufacturing process from the engineering of microbial strains, to cell banking processing and method design to clinical and commercial manufacturing, making sure that we can ensure the successful delivery of the most advanced solutions. We have accumulated a huge quantity of knowledge in the bio processing microbial field. More than 200 projects have been successfully completed and we help our clients comply with regulations like those of the US FDA as well as EU EMA. We also help them to navigate Australia TGA and China NMPA. We are able to respond rapidly to market requirements and offer customized CDMO services due to our experience and expertise.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma, a top 10 VLP-based Vaccine Manufacturing of biological products, is a specialist in microbial fermentation. We have set up a modern facility that has robust RD capabilities and advanced infrastructure. Five lines of production for drugs conforming to GMP standards to purify and ferment microbial cells along with two fill and finish lines for vials as well as cartridges and needles pre-filled are readily available. The fermentation scales available for use range from 100L to 2000L. Filling specifications for vias are 1ml to 25ml, whereas pre-filled syringe or cartridge filling requirements are between 1-3ml. The production workshop is cGMP certified and offers the availability of commercial and clinical samples. The large molecules manufactured in our facility are available for delivery worldwide.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma has experience in the manufacture of biologics derived from microorganisms. We offer tailored RD solutions and manufacturing while minimizing the risk. We have worked with diverse methods, such as VLP-based Vaccine Manufacturing of vaccines (including peptides), growth factors, hormones, and Cytokines. We specialized in multiple microbial hosts, including yeast extracellular and intracellular (yield up to 15 g/L) bacteria periplasmic secretion, soluble intracellular, and inclusion bodies (yield up to 10 grams/L). We also have a BSL-2 fermentation platform to create bacterial vaccines. We specialize in improving processes, increasing product yields, as well as reducing production costs. We have an efficient technology team that guarantees timely and quality project delivery. This allows us to deliver your exclusive products quicker to market.