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Rekombinant type I kollagenproduksjon Norge

Type I Collagen is a critical and extremely abundant protein in our body; This unique protein is what helps keep our bones skin, tendons strong and healthy, the same as Yaohai's Rekombinant Parkin Protein Manufacturing. Medical product company Yaohai is striving to discover alternative or improved methods to produce Type I Collagen from the ground up. In this article, we will discuss a few of those ideas as well as how they imagining the process of making fresh Type I Collagen. 

One means is through the use of recombinant technology. Type I Collagen protein which scientists were able to grow using the unique bacteria method. The bacteria are programmed by DNA, telling them how to produce the protein. The bacterial then get these instructions and are able to produce the protein in a fully encased system so that they can only synthesize it in extremely controlled and-safe conditions. This method is faster and easier than to acquire it from animals.

Manufacturing Type I Collagen from scratch

In addition to this, Yaohai is developing new ways of producing Type I Collagen using innovative methods, as well as the Bacteriophage AP205 VLP Produksjon supplied by Yaohai. Fortunately, 3D printing is one of these amazing methods. Special printers are used to place layers of materials on one another and form a three-dimensional product in 3D printing. Researchers at Yaohai are applying the fantastic technology to grow structures that resemble human tissue. Then they add Type I Collagen protein to these structures This will allow for the development of more robust and realistic human tissue models that can be incorporated into medical products. 

Yaohai also found a fascinating method to produce Type I Collagen using plants, not animals. They are looking at other sources of protein besides animal based, such as soybeans or corn for their protein extraction. Not only would this be more environmentally friendly, but it would also be cheaper. However, they can do it kinder to our planet and create Type I Collagen de novo from plant-based sources.

Why choose Yaohai Recombinant Type I Collagen Manufacturing?

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