GMP proizvodnja cjepiva s česticama sličnim virusima (VLP). koji su napravljeni od fragmenata prirodnih virusa. Ove sićušne čestice potpuno su benigne, ali treniraju naše tijelo kako da se brani.
vaccine can be created where the immune system is literally trained to recognize and respond accordingly better than in most, if not all context with different viruses.
Proizvodnja cjepiva temeljena na VLP-u može se proizvesti bez poteškoća u kulturi uzgoja cijelog virusa. To će cijeli postupak učiniti mnogo sigurnijim i bržim, što je od velike važnosti posebno tijekom izbijanja bolesti kada su ljudima hitno potrebna cjepiva.
Insulin Biomanufacturing štite nas od mnogih bolesti istovremeno. može im omogućiti da razviju cjepiva koja djeluju protiv različitih sojeva istog virusa ili nam čak pomoći da se imuniziramo protiv više od jedne bolesti odjednom.
zaštititi se od mnogih drugih bolesti u budućnosti. Drugim riječima, ova znanstvena dostignuća znače da imamo svjetliju budućnost u smislu poboljšanja našeg zdravlja i upotrebe cjepiva kako bismo društvo zaštitili od bolesti.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma is a leading microbial biologics CDMO. Our main focus has been the production of Chimeric VLP Vaccine Manufacturing and therapeutics to treat pets, human and veterinary health. We have state-of-the-art RD platforms and manufacturing technology that cover the entire manufacturing process beginning with the development of microbial strains Cell banking, process and method development, through commercial and clinical manufacture that ensures the successful delivery of innovative solutions. Over time we've gained a vast knowledge of microbial-based bio processing. We have successfully completed more than 200 global projects, and help our clients with navigating the rules and regulations of the US FDA, EU EMA, Australia TGA, and China NMPA. We are able to react promptly to market demands and provide tailored CDMO services due to our experience and expertise.
Chimeric VLP Vaccine Manufacturing is a Top 10 Microbial CDMO that incorporates quality control and regulatory matters. We have established a robust quality system that complies with the current GMP standards and regulations all over the world. Our regulatory team is well-versed on global regulatory frameworks to speed up biological launches. We guarantee traceable production processes and top-quality products that are compliant with the rules of US FDA, EU EMA, Australia TGA, and China NMPA. Yaohai BioPharma successfully passed an audit on site conducted by an accredited Qualified Person from the European Union (QP) to review our GMP system and production facility. Additionally, we've passed the first certification audits of the ISO9001 Quality Management System, ISO14001 Environmental Management System, and ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma, a top 10 manufacturer of biological products, specializes in microbial fermentation. We have created a Chimeric VLP Vaccine Manufacturing manufacturing facility with robust RD capabilities and cutting-edge manufacturing facilities. Five drug substance production lines conforming to GMP standards to purify and ferment microbial cells, as well as two fill and finish lines for vials and cartridges, as well as needles that are pre-filled, are available. The available fermentation scales include 100L, 500L, 1000L and 2000L. Specifications for filling vials range from 1ml - 25ml. the pre-filled cartridge or syringe filling specifications range from between 1-3ml. The production workshop is cGMP-compliant and provides a stable supply of commercial products and clinical samples. Our facility produces large molecules that are shipped worldwide.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma ima iskustva u proizvodnji bioloških lijekova koji se proizvode od mikroorganizama. Nudimo prilagođena RD rješenja, kao i proizvodne usluge uz minimiziranje potencijalnih rizika. Radili smo s različitim tehnikama, kao što su rekombinantne stanične podjedinice, cjepiva (uključujući peptide), faktori rasta, hormoni i proizvodnja kimernih VLP cjepiva. Specijalisti smo za mnoge mikroorganizme kao što su izvanstanična i unutarstanična sekrecija kvasca (prinosi do 15 g/L) i unutarstanične topljive bakterije i inkluzijska tijela (prinosi do 10 g/L). Također smo razvili platformu za fermentaciju BSL-2 za stvaranje bakterijskih cjepiva. Imamo iskustvo u poboljšanju proizvodnih procesa, čime povećavamo prinose i smanjujemo troškove. Imamo visoko učinkovit tehnološki tim koji osigurava pravovremenu i visokokvalitetnu isporuku projekata. To nam pomaže da vaše proizvode koji su jedinstveni brže plasiramo na tržište.