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mCherry circRNA

  • Description

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mCherry circRNA expresses a fluorescent protein derived from Discosoma sp. mCherry protein displays a monomeric fluorophore when exposed to light with an emissions peak at 610 nm. mCherry circRNA is commonly used as positive control in circRNA transfection and delivery system development.


mCherry circRNA, Permuted intron-exon (PIE) method

Product Details


mCherry circRNA

Cat. No ciP002

Synthesis Method

Group I intron self-splicing

RNA Content 100 µg~10 mg (OD260)
Purity A260/A280
Identify and Purity Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (AGE)
Buffer RNase free water (liquid)
Shipping Ship with dry ice; or under ambient temperature

Liquid, at or below -20°C

Lyophilized powder, at 4°C


Reporter gene, Positive control

circRNA Preparation and Cell Expression

Taking linearized plasmid DNA (pDNA) harboring mCherry circRNA coding genes as in vitro testing (IVT) template, we obtained pure mCherry circRNA by in vitro transcription, circulation, and purification.

Pure mCherry circRNA mixed with a commercial transfection reagent was transfected into 293T cells in a 96 well plate. And fluorescence photography was performed after 24 hours, 48 hours, 168 hours and 336 hours.

          24h                                        48h                                   168h                                    336h


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