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Interleukin circRNA

One example of these molecules are the interleukin circRNA, which regulate our immune response. Your Immune System is like the avengers protecting your health. As part of the superhero team immune system, we use it to fend off germs (viruses and bacteria), who are bad guys trying to do harm to us from making us sick — and Interleukin circRNA is both an important role player among these sigils that by means of regulating T cells, a specific subtype amongst immune cells give rise to inflammation. 

T cells are white blood cells and, you know- we kind of need them to do a lot for us. If anti-bodies act as detectives and trackers that identify and capture germs, then any one special type acts as the secret police sent to root out the bad guys. But usually these T cells can get too out of focus and start recognizing our healthy cells instead, and they will attack them wrongfully. It can result a problem in our body. That circular regulatory RNA regulates how T cells behave —whether they attack only the bad bacteria and avoid our own good or innocent ones. This is important since this IS immune system needs to work as usual and continue protecting us, However our health should not become collateral damage in doing so. 

A Novel Biomarker for Inflammatory Diseases

But when the immune system goes overboard, it can himself and attack healthy organs., causing inflammatory diseases like rheumatism life (arthritis), lupus or Crohn's disease. It can make you to feel pain and other issues. As a new study in Cell has disclosed its discovery that Interleukin circRNA 61–14 (ilcircRNA) found to be as one of the biomarker related for this diseases. Needle Marks: Our bodies have a particular substance that is different from someone who is sick and others not. 

As more is learned about Interleukin Reporter circRNA, doctors may eventually be able to determine whether a person is at risk for developing an inflammatory disease by testing the levels of the new group of regulatory RNA in their blood. Data that fills in the blanks for doctors to diagnose and understand how it is developing. This allows doctors to administer the right treatments, at the right times. This is vital because appropriate treatment might amount to a world of difference in terms of how patients experience and respond to their ailment.

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