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Plasmid Template Preparation

Plasmid Template Preparation

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Plasmid Template Preparation

In the preparation process of in vitro transcription (IVT) mRNA, linearized plasmid DNA is required as the transcription template for IVT with the help of T7 RNA polymerase. High-quality plasmid DNA is crucial for in vitro transcription.

Based on the mature plasmid preparation service platform, Yaohai Bio-Pharma can offer a linearized plasmid DNA preparation service of high purity and high standard to achieve efficient IVT transcription.


Services Details
ProcessOptional ServiceService DetailsDelivery Period (Workday)
Circular plasmid preparationGene synthesisGene synthesis (third-party)7-10
Plasmid amplificationPlasmid amplification2
Plasmid extraction
Linearized plasmid preparationPlasmid linearization and purificationPlasmid linearization1
Linearization DNA purification
Plasmid DNA quality controlConcentration purityUltraviolet (UV) spectrophotometry1-2
Plasmid conformationAgarose gel electrophoresis (AGE)
Capillary electrophoresis (CE)-optional
Plasmid identifyRestriction enzyme identification/ AGE
Our Features
  • Freecut Template Plasmid

Flexible selection of linearization methods

  • High Recovery Rate

Optimization of DNA extraction and purification methods to achieve high recovery rates.

  • Stringent Quality Control

Stringent process control standards, with a superhelical conformation rate of plasmid samples for research of over 80%.

  • Mature Platform Process

High standard and high efficiency plasmid preparation and quality control services to meet experimental needs.

Case study

Taking Yaohai Bio-Pharma catalog mRNA_luciferase product as an example, the transcription template plasmid sample (research grade) has a superhelical ratio of more than 90%, a linearization ratio close to 100%, and a subsequent transcription ratio up to 1:200 (linearized plasmid DNA:mRNA).

The mRNA_luciferase obtained through the preparation of a linearized plasmid as a template is transfected into 293T cells, and the enzyme-substrate reaction activity is evaluated 24 h after transfection.

An obvious strong luciferase activity signal can be detected, i.e., the luciferase protein is expressed efficiently, suggesting the purity of the transcription template can fully satisfy the requirement of high-quality mRNA preparation.


Supercoiled Plasmid Ratio Assay


Validation of luciferase mRNA Expression In Vitro

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