Do you know about the HPV vaccince? This vaccine is extremely safe, and necessary to protect a very common virus... even dicks & vaginas from things the Human Papilloma Virus. A large portion of people are carriers for HPV, which stands for human papillomavirus - the name sounds intimidating but it's just a virus. It is so common that almost everyone will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives! But we can generally relax about this as our bodies usually do manage to clear the virus on their own, without intervention. But in some cases, HPV can cause health problems such as cancer — that's why it is critical for us to protect ourselves with the vaccine.
This vaccine uses VLPs (virus like particles) of HPV. They are little bits that mimic the real virus, but they do not infect us. Isn’t that cool? We can also make our bodies immune to the HPV virus by being vaccinated.
The VE of the HPV VLP vaccine is greater than that provided by most vaccines. Most other vaccines tend to do so with a weakened or dead form of the virus in question, which helps us learn how to keep them at bay. But the HPV VLP vaccine is unusual. This includes a protein from the virus that cannot make you sick. The vector-based structures epitomize a protein called the L1 protein -- needed to smoothly produce VLPs. If the VLP is ever injected into our bodies, it appears to be ultra like a virus on its approach that can my immune system actually thinks it's part of outside. In turn our body produces antibodies -- little enzymes that work as a tag, so your immune system can better recognize and fight against the virus (if we ever run into it again). The HPV vaccine is so critical, as it will save us against these cancers and substantial health issues developed by this virus.
How does the HPV VLP vaccine exactly work? It’s quite fascinating! The vaccine itself is comprised of VLPs, which are empty protein shells. Now the shells look just like real HPV virus, but they do not have any genetic material inside them so will not cause an infection. Once the vaccine is in us, our immune system recognizes these VLPs as intruders and we start to make specific proteins called antibodies. They attach themselves to the VLPs, neutralizing them. Because the VLPs appear so alike to the real virus our immune system learns how it look and what kind of defense it can get against this impostor than if we come in contact with a real virus down that road; This process is what helps keep us from getting HPV and the problems it can cause.
Cancer: One of the greatest concerns he hears about with regard to HPV is its link to cancer. Indeed, there is not a female alive that does not fear this disease and the HPV Infections are now known to be responsible for more than 95% of cervical cancer cases in women. But here’s some good news! HPV VLP vaccine can be very useful in term of the painless way to save treatment with cervical cancer really did you know that!!!! It’s true! This is to say that when we get the vaccine, were protecting ourselves mostly from those strains of HPV which are more likely to cause cancer. Which is why we are at a very low risk of Cervical cancer. Girls and boys should be vaccinated before they are sexually active, according to health experts. This is all because, for the majority of people, this tends to be when they are closest in contact with the virus. And, therefore by taking the vaccine for HPV VLP we secure ourselves from those high risk phases of cancer.
There are a lot of reasons to get vaccinated with the HPV VLP vaccine. Aside from preventing HPV infections itself, this also helps protect us from the potential serious health problems that could result following an HPV infection. A few of these disorders include genital warts and cancer. Jabs away we help our odds of being tasty without all those attempts to get healthy. Luckily the vaccine is extremely safe and effective at preventing HPV infections. But remember — the vaccine is most effective when it's been administered before we've encountered the virus. This is one of the reasons that you are advised to get vaccinated when you are younger. Therefore, if you have not yet got your HPV VLP vaccine, may go to see your doctors quickly.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma, a leader in CDMOs of microbial biologics, is headquartered in Jiangsu. We have been focused on microbially produced therapeutics and vaccines that are suited for human, veterinary and the management of HPV Vaccine VLP. We have the most the most advanced RD as well as manufacturing technology platforms, which cover the entire process from Microbial strain engineering, cell banking as well as process and method development to commercial and clinical manufacturing, assuring the successful supply of the most cutting-edge solutions. We have accumulated a huge amount of experience in the bio processing of microbial cells. We have delivered over 200 projects across the globe and have assisted our clients with navigating the rules and regulations of the US FDA, EU EMA, Australia TGA, and China NMPA. Our expert knowledge and vast experience enable us to swiftly adapt to market needs and offer tailored CDMO services.
Yaohai BioPharma, a top 10 HPV Vaccine VLP, combines regulatory affairs and quality control. We have a quality system that is compliant with current GMP standards and regulations around the globe. Our regulatory team has deep understanding of world-wide regulatory frameworks. This lets us accelerate biological launches. We ensure traceable production procedures with high-quality products as well as compliance with the regulations of the US FDA and EU EMA. Australia TGA and China NMPA is also fulfilled. Yaohai BioPharma successfully passed an in-person audit conducted by an accredited Qualified Person of the European Union (QP) to examine our GMP system and production facility. We have also passed the initial certification audits of the ISO9001 Quality Management System and ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma, a top 10 HPV Vaccine VLP of biological products, is a specialist in microbial fermentation. We have set up a modern facility that has robust RD capabilities and advanced infrastructure. Five lines of production for drugs conforming to GMP standards to purify and ferment microbial cells along with two fill and finish lines for vials as well as cartridges and needles pre-filled are readily available. The fermentation scales available for use range from 100L to 2000L. Filling specifications for vias are 1ml to 25ml, whereas pre-filled syringe or cartridge filling requirements are between 1-3ml. The production workshop is cGMP certified and offers the availability of commercial and clinical samples. The large molecules manufactured in our facility are available for delivery worldwide.
Yaohai Bio-Pharma is experienced in the development of microbial-derived biologics. We offer customized RD as well as manufacturing solutions, while making sure that there are no risks. We have worked on diverse modalities such as subunit-based recombinant vaccines, HPV Vaccine VLP, cytokines, growth factors, single domain antibodies, enzymes, plasmid DNA, the mRNA, and other. We are experts in a variety of microorganisms, including yeast extracellular and intracellular secretion (yields up to 15g/L) as well as bacteria intracellular soluble and inclusion body (yields as high as 10g/L). We have also developed the BSL-2 fermentation platform to create bacteria-based vaccines. We have a track record of improving production processes, thereby increasing yields and decreasing costs. With a highly efficient technology team, we ensure timely and quality project delivery and bring your products to market faster.