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HPV Vaccine VLP

Do you know about the HPV vaccince? This vaccine is extremely safe, and necessary to protect a very common virus... even dicks & vaginas from things the Human Papilloma Virus. A large portion of people are carriers for HPV, which stands for human papillomavirus - the name sounds intimidating but it's just a virus. It is so common that almost everyone will be infected with HPV at some point in their lives! But we can generally relax about this as our bodies usually do manage to clear the virus on their own, without intervention. But in some cases, HPV can cause health problems such as cancer — that's why it is critical for us to protect ourselves with the vaccine.

This vaccine uses VLPs (virus like particles) of HPV. They are little bits that mimic the real virus, but they do not infect us. Isn’t that cool? We can also make our bodies immune to the HPV virus by being vaccinated.

Stronger Protection Against HPV with VLP Vaccine

The VE of the HPV VLP vaccine is greater than that provided by most vaccines. Most other vaccines tend to do so with a weakened or dead form of the virus in question, which helps us learn how to keep them at bay. But the HPV VLP vaccine is unusual. This includes a protein from the virus that cannot make you sick. The vector-based structures epitomize a protein called the L1 protein -- needed to smoothly produce VLPs. If the VLP is ever injected into our bodies, it appears to be ultra like a virus on its approach that can my immune system actually thinks it's part of outside. In turn our body produces antibodies -- little enzymes that work as a tag, so your immune system can better recognize and fight against the virus (if we ever run into it again). The HPV vaccine is so critical, as it will save us against these cancers and substantial health issues developed by this virus.

Why choose Yaohai HPV Vaccine VLP?

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